Wisdom School By Rebecca Skeele

Shifts through Transformational Music



Mark Romero is an internationally recognized and sought-after energy healer, guitarist, and teacher who has helped thousands of people worldwide to experience instantaneous healings and shifts in their perceptions. Through his transformational music, Mark channels higher frequencies of energy to assist humanity in eliminating limiting thoughts, beliefs, and perceptions that are holding us back from the lives we truly desire. A few years ago, a former top consultant to NASA discovered frequencies in his music; dreamscape rhythms that constantly shifted the listener’s energy, putting them into a heightened physical state and higher levels of consciousness while balancing the body’s energies. CEOs and top executives swear by his music as a tool to help them effectively deal with stress, remain grounded, and expand the portals to more creativity. Join Mark as he shares his powerful and transformative message that has elicited such profound change in so many.