Dr. Westin Childs Podcast: Thyroid | Weight Loss | Hormones

7 (More) Treatments For Thyroid Hair Loss That Actually Work



Are you experiencing thyroid related hair loss? If so, you aren't alone! Hair loss is one of the most damaging and concerning symptoms caused by low thyroid function and it's what we are going to be discussing today! I've talked previously about how to treat thyroid related hair loss and today I want to expand on that. But to recap, you need to know the basics. If you want to treat thyroid related hair loss at the most basic level then you need to do 3 things: #1. Optimize thyroid function with thyroid medication. #2. Optimize iron status by looking at ferritin. #3. Make sure you replace lost nutrients. Doing this will help MOST people with hair loss related to their thyroid! If you haven't done these things then you should start there. Today we are going to talk about additional or more advanced hair loss therapies that thyroid patients can use if they are suffering from hair loss or if those treatments listed above didn't work. These therapies are very effective and help the different types of h