Insights With Trent Munday

Find A Solution Within That Which You Can Control #1435



The best way I've found to avoid getting stressed when I face a problem, is to focus on that which I can control. Not influence, mind you. Because even the things we can influence might still not go our way. You may not be able to find a complete solution within that which you can control...but that's ok. Focus on the parts of the solution that you can control. And if you can live with that...that's the best you can do. To worry about the other factors is really quite pointless. If you can't control it, there's zero value in worrying about. Easy to say, perhaps. Harder to do. But try to worry about only that which you can control and I can assure you your stress levels will be dramatically reduced. Good Luck! #problemsolving #stressmanagementtips #worrying