Insights With Trent Munday

You Need To Listen For What You Do Not Want To Hear #1442



Whenever we ask a question, or seek feedback, we already know what we want to hear. And so, once we hear that bit that we were waiting for...we kinda tune out. But oftentimes, the real value in the feedback is in the other comments around the part we wanted to hear. You pre-launch your new product to a small test market. They tell you they love it. Great! That's what you wanted to hear.  You stop listening - even though you pretend to be paying attention. What you missed hearing was that the test market though the packaging could be better and that the price point was a little high. This is invaluable feedback. But if you are only listening for what you want to hear, you'll miss it. Try to discipline yourself to almost tune out the bits you do want to hear, and tune in to the bits you do not want to hear. #customerfeedback #listening #marketresearch