Cat And Fox

Cat & Fox - Episode 57 - Futago



Burr reviews Max: The Curse of Brotherhood and revisits Sonic Lost World post-patch to start things off on this episode. After fanboying over Naruto and the new episodes of Kill la Kill, we turn to more serious matters, like the Robocop remake coming out soon as well as the flagging fortunes of the Wii U and what can be done to revive it. Henneko continues to charm us despite its weird siscon tension, but it'll give way to a second try at Super Milk Chan on Anime Night as we celebrate Hect's birthday! Cat vs. Fox pits weird flavors of toothpaste against a gay themed manga cafe. Learn how to ask "When?" in our Language share segment. Find out how Japan is getting ripped off among other things in our news segment, in which we get real for a bit as well.