Late Nite With Stede

Late Nite With Stede Goldmaking Podcast - Episode 015



Kathroman and I welcome our first guest of 2014 as WowDotBen joins the show to talk about his own goldmaking in the gap between 6 & 7 digits of liquidity.  We cover the news - including the latest Warlords of Draenor news about instant level 90 toons, with our usual goldmaking perspective & bent.  We touch on the latest blog topics, including an updated Inscription model to the Spreadsheeting Sandbox & some great tips for maximizing RAF levels before moving on to our topic for the evening of 'Conscious Goldmaking'.  We wrap with an email question from Twitchie, the Gnome Warlock to me asking how being on the same server as the Convert to Raid guild on US-Aerie Peak affects the markets there.To listen in, you can subscribe on iTunes or Stitcher or just use the Stitcher App in the sidebar!