Raps Talk - Toronto Raptors / Nba Podcast - Raptorspodcast.com

RAPTORS PODCAST - EPISODE 73 - The "Undefeated on Drake Nights" episode



Hip Hoop Junkies & Hoop Heads North present RAPS TALK Ep. 73 (12.18.2014)Episode 73 of RAPS TALK - Raptors Podcast (12.18.14) - The Toronto Raptors are now 2-0 on Drake Nights and have 20 wins on the season. On this week's podcast, we talk about the addition of Landry Fields to the starting lineup, Sean's trip to Toronto, DeMar's postgame interview with Kyle Lowry, the Raptors upcoming west coast road swing and of course, the Wenningtons of the Week highlighting the top Canadian talent in the NBA. If you're new to the podcast, make sure you subscribe to the RAPS TALK podcast on iTunes.