Online Business Q&a W/ S&j

QA 73 – Josh Bauerle Answers “Can I Write off Health Insurance Costs on my Taxes?”



In today’s Q&A, we are helping Preston figure out health insurance as an entrepreneur and how it can help him save on taxes. Do you have a question you want answered on our podcast? We would love to help you! Click here to ask your question! Resources Mentioned in this Episode Today’s expert is Josh Bauerle from CPA on Fire Today’s question is from Preston from Graphic Design Blender Last time Josh was on Flipped Lifestyle Do you have a question about online business that you would like to have answered on a future episode of the Q&A with S&J Flipped Lifestyle podcast? If you do, it’s super-easy to submit your question. All you have to do is text the letters ‘QASJ’ to the number 38470 and we will send you a text message back with a link to our website, where you can submit your question. That’s ‘QASJ’ to the number 38470. Send us your text and we will shoot you a link back where you can ask your question and maybe you can be featured on a future episode. If you are outside the United States or n