Online Business Q&a W/ S&j

QA 91 – Is my product an Aspirin or a Vitamin?



In today’s Q&A with S&J, Lisa Rung-Kolenich asks us:  “My life’s changed from living the artist’s way, and I would like to help others find their creativity. In a recent podcast, you talked about how people pay you to save money or make money, or to save time. I’m not sure how this fits into either of those. Also, you had talked about finding an avatar that is already looking for what you have rather than try to convince someone that they are your avatar, or to start doing whatever it is you are trying to do. I don’t have a website yet. Just an Instagram account. I’m struggling with this as I was thinking my avatar is someone who thinks they aren’t creative, but wants to be.”   Thanks for watching an Online Business Q&A w/ S&J! Would you like to ask Shane & Jocelyn a question? Become a patron to be on the show! Click here: Patrons get their questions answered each week and get to hang out with Shane & Jocelyn on a monthly Patron Community LIVE Q&