Nz Tech Podcast

Could Kiwis who pay off cyber ransoms land in jail? (Plus: Instagram is 10, Naughty IT guy jailed, Windows XP shame + more)



Highlights on this episode with Sarah Putt and Paul Spain: IT guy wipes systems and get jail plus NZ$300,000 fine Spark / Team New Zealand have opened the 5G Race Zone Arrival of Google Nest Router and Wifi devices in the NZ market – via a partnership with retailers and Internet provider Orcon – though it is arriving 11-months after be launched in the U.S. Instagram is 10! New Zealand still clinging on to Windows 7 and Windows XP Could jail time be on the cards for those paying cyber ransoms? Scott Bartlett has stepped down as CEO of Kordia due to further issues following taking time off recently following multiple brain tumours – we wish him the best and hope to see him back soon (NZ Tech Podcast) (Paul Spain) Special thanks to organisations who support innovation and tech leadership in New Zealand by partnering with NZ Tech Podcast: (Umbrellar Connect) (Sumo Logic) (Vodafone NZ)https://