The Bus Driver Experience

Tayo Rockson - The Power of Inclusivity - Ep. 9



Inclusivity is defined as an intention or policy of including people who might otherwise be excluded or marginalized. Now. Where you may stand on this word, its definition and how it's perceived today. Some people believe this is the most inclusive time. And some people believe this is the most exclusive time. So today I'm bringing on an expert and someone who I believe not just talks great to inclusive communities, but also exclusive communities without making anybody feel marginalized. I present to you Tayo Rockson. Tayo is a keynote speaker and author in New York City. He specializes in working with companies and corporations, helping to bring them into a digital age. Titles become a good friend of mine, not just a buddy I podcast with here and there. And we had an incredible conversation, conversations about inclusivity versus exclusivity. Are we living in the most inclusive time? And what is America's stance and what is the betrayal and message we are trying to portray and convey to the rest of worl