The Bus Driver Experience

Aly Moore (Bugible) - On A Mission To Open Minds and Mouths - Ep. 13



After studying public health at Yale University, Aly Moore searched for a way to address the challenges to feed our growing sustainably and nutritiously feed our growing population. Who knew all it would take was eating cricket tacos in Mexico after a night out on the town. She started a blog to support the growing insect agriculture industry and slowly grew a cult following on Instagram. In order to reach broader audiences, Eat Bugs Events where Aly has hosted educational events like Bug & Wine Pairings, Bug Dinners & Bug Cooking Classes all around the world.Since, Bugible has become the leading media & PR brand for the insect agriculture industry, appearing on Netflix's Bill Nye, Food & Wine, Forbes, & others. Today, Bugible focuses on continuing to spread awareness about other sustainable and nutritious potential of bugs through collaborations with institutions of all kinds from the International Culinary Center, Yale University, Parks & Recreation Districts, or even the