The Bus Driver Experience

Arjun Dheer - Ecology, Evolution, and Conservation of Large Carnivores - Ep. 14



Most of my listeners are from the West and most of my listeners never had a chance to go to the front lines. Most of them never got the chance to see the destruction, the devastation or even the day to day of peoples and animals from around the world. We rely on the news, we rely on journalists but sometimes those reports come with bias and agendas.Today I'm joined by someone who is not just living on the front lines but studying large carnivores at the Ngorongoro Crater, the the world's largest inactive, intact and unfilled volcanic caldera. There's been talks of plastic straws killing sea turtles and that if we ban them we can save the turtle. It's also been forecasted that we are in our planets 6th mass extinction phases. I talk with Arjun of the effects of climate change and the human footprint on the environment he works and the world as a whole.Arjun Dheer is a National Geographic Early Career grantee with a keen interest in the ecology, evolution, and conservation of large carnivores. He has worke