The Bus Driver Experience

Shawn Baker - The Carnivore Diet - Ep. 21



On this week's Bus Driver Experience, we have another return guest to the show. He is an orthopedic surgeon, world record-holding athlete, a former soldier and most recently the author of The Carnivore Diet, Shawn Baker.His focus in recent years has been on using nutrition as a tool for health, performance, and overall well-being. Through his Carnivore Training System and private consulting work, he has inspired countless thousands of others to challenge a highly flawed nutritional paradigm and to opt for a carnivorous lifestyle instead."The Carnivore Diet reviews some of the supporting evolutionary, historical, and nutritional science that gives us clues as to why so many people are having great success with this meat-focused way of eating. It highlights dramatic real-world transformations experienced by people of all types."Shawn is the CEO at MeatRx, a forum for those interested or practicing the carnivore diet. The site offers consultations, online social support meetings to help you stay accountable, spe