The Bus Driver Experience

Know Your Rights - Michael Hinden - Episode 32



Michael Hinden is the lead consultant at Private Stock Veganics, world class craft cannabis cultivated in living soil that epigenetically superior chemotypes. He operates Private Stock Distribution is California’s premier distributor for licensed, organically cultivated cannabis.Today Michael and I go over whats going on with Cannabis laws in California, the country and around the world. Which countries are the biggest players in the game and what states and countries will be the biggest players in the future. We dive deep into law and individuals rights as Americans. Since the Drug Bill of 1971 when drugs were classified Americans have been stripped from their ability to grow a plant that can almost grow anywhere. Michael and I discuss in depth rights, laws and actions taken be our previous administration as well as the current administrations attempts to classify people as terrorist organizations to strip their rights.Michael and I are working on his new cannabis cultivation course which shou