The Bus Driver Experience

Lizbeth Cruz De La Santana - Bus Driver Experience - Episode 40



Lizbeth De La Cruz is a first generation latinx student from Los Angeles, California. Inspired by her teachers in elementary school, from an early age, she discovered her passion for learning and teaching. These experiences and others brought Lizbeth's interests and the community together enabled a strong foundation which has shaped her activism and public service through engaged digital scholarship.Currently, Lizbeth is a fifth year Ph.D. Candidate at the University of California Davis working towards a Ph.D. in Spanish with an emphasis on Human Rights. She received her B.A. and M.A. from Fresno State.Her academic scholarship emphasizes a Publicly Engaged Digital Humanities approach through fieldwork in the U.S.-Mexico Border. Her role as a facilitator for the DACAmented: DREAMS without Borders and Humanizing Deportation, Digital Storytelling projects provide the platform for undocumented immigrants and deportees to participate as knowledge creators. ​Lizbeth is currently co-developing Migri Map, a humanitar