R2-t2: With Garrett Weinzierl

#27 - The Angry Nerd: “Going Nowhere Fast”



Last week I promised that I'd get to all of the car emails that I had received and, if the run-time of this episode is any indication, I think I've succeeded. Since cars have been a recurring topic on this podcast I thought I'd invite my buddy Patrick (aka: OctanePro) on to talk about the cars we've had and how we fell in love with giant hunks of metal with wheels attached to them.This show is supported by the Patrons over at Patreon.com/AngryNerd! If you enjoy the podcast and would like to give something back you can become a Patron as well!Join the show by emailing in at AngryNerdGarrett@gmail.com. You can write in about whatever you would like! Video games, music, personal stories, fart jokes, your favorite sandwich, you name it. Get The Angry NerdiTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/the