R2-t2: With Garrett Weinzierl

#28 - The Angry Nerd: “Miracle Switch”



This episode is brought to you by precious time spent away from my Nintendo Switch. On this Angry Nerd I talked about how I'm liking my Nintendo Switch and the newest Zelda, Breath of the Wild. I'm also ruining any chance of good dreams by playing Resident Evil 7. Rounding out today's episode are emails varrying wildly in tone about adoption and Dragon Ball Z.This show is supported by the Patrons over at Patreon.com/AngryNerd! If you enjoy the podcast and would like to give something back you can become a Patron as well!Join the show by emailing in at AngryNerdGarrett@gmail.com. You can write in about whatever you would like! Video games, music, personal stories, fart jokes, your favorite sandwich, you name it. Get The Angry NerdiTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/the-angry-nerd/id10390557