Father Snort

Fumbling In the Dark - Audio



Brad Sullivan 2 Epiphany, Year A January 14, 2017 Emmanuel, Houston John 1:29-42 Fumbling In the Dark Repentance leads to seeing Jesus. That is what I heard in our Gospel story this morning, as John was declaring Jesus to be the Lamb of God, the one who would take away the sins of the world. John said that he came baptizing so that Jesus would be revealed to Israel. Now John came with a baptism of repentance for the forgiveness of sins, and his doing so led to Jesus being revealed as God’s son after he was baptized by John. This baptism of repentance led to a revelation of Jesus, seeing him as more than a carpenter’s son, but as the Son of God who has saved the world from their sins. For us, repentance leads to seeing Jesus as well and being guided by the light of Jesus, without which, without Jesus, we’re fumbling in the dark. We may not feel like we’re fumbling in the dark. We’re so often guided, after all, our own