Buddhist Temple Of Toledo Podcast

Do No Harm



Jay Rinsen Chikyo Weik gives a talk and leads a discussion at the Toledo Zen Center on April 16, 2008. "Coming from a Judeo-Christian theistically-based approach, there's an unconscious assumption -- or teaching, basically -- that moral and ethical guidelines come from someplace outside... something outside saying, 'This is what I expect.' In the teachings of the Buddhadharma, the moral and ethical precepts do not come from any outside source.... The moral and ethical teachings are expressions of how a realized Buddha lives their life. They are the description of how an awakened being interacts with themself and with others and with society." For more information about the Toledo Zen Center, please visit toledozen.org. The Toledo Zen Center is a member of the Hermitage Heart Sangha, online at hermitageheart.org.