Buddhist Temple Of Toledo Podcast

Yung-Chia: Song of Realizing the Way (part 3 of 3)



Jay Rinsen Chikyo Weik leads a retreat workshop at the Toledo Zen Center on April 20, 2008. "Let others criticise you. Let them condemn you. Trying to set the sky on fire, they'll just end up exhausted. I hear abusive words as though I were drinking ambrosia; everything melts, and suddenly I enter the inconceivable. When you understand the real value of abuse, your worst critic becomes a wise friend. If harsh words raise no waves of bitterness or pride, how better to show the persistence and compassion of the unborn?" -Yung-Chia For more information about the Toledo Zen Center, please visit toledozen.org. The Toledo Zen Center is a member of the Hermitage Heart Sangha, online at hermitageheart.org.