Lil' Drummer Girl

LDG EP#026 Meet Timothy Raines - The Master of Splash Art



I became a fan of Timothy Raines' artwork when I was introduced to it at a fashion show here in St. Petersburg, FL about eight years ago.  I immediately fell in love with his paintings of exotic cars, sports entertainment and exquisitie nature scenes.  A couple of weeks ago, St. Petersburg hosts the Firestone Grand Prix and it's annual races.  I ran into Timothy at a pre-Grand Prix party where Tim was giving a rare live demonstration of his amazing artwork and was once again in awe of his work.  Timothy's art is housed at the The Gallery which is located in downtown St. Pete WWW.THEGALLERYART.COM and he was most gracious to give me an interview and an in-depth look into his world as he tells us about his inspirations and background of his creations.  Please also check out Tim in action as he paints one of his master pieces while at the Pre-Grand Prix party and the footage also contains Timothy's paintings at the gallery where Tim will discuss his inspirations on some of his works - check out the video here: