Lil' Drummer Girl

LDG EP#030 It's Radio Day!



It's National Radio Day today.  I'm so excited because it made me think of my first radio. Do you remember your first radio?  It was a hand-me-down from my big brother. It was a small transistor radio that you could plug a earplug into it (they didn't have two ear buds, one side only). A pull up antennae and basically it would only play AM radio (even though there were dials on it for FM, it wouldn't come in clearly). Me and my girlfriends would sit on our stoops in Park Slope, Brooklyn and listen to our favorite station WABC which at that time would play the Top 40 hits (mind you over and over again). We never got sick listening to those songs. I still have some of them on vinyl in my 45's collection.   Have you ever wondered what your life would be like if there wasn't any music in it? I couldn't even fathom the thought. Every important and non-important part of my life has a song attached to it. Music has made me happy, sad, pensive and most importantly, spiritual.   Do you prefer to listen to music t