Riders, Rangers, And Rambles

Riders, Rangers, & Rambles - Episode #14: So you can run and tell that!



Homeboy! In this episode of RRR, nothing significant happens! We literally pretty much bullshit our entire way through the small amount of news we had. We discuss the newest GaiaMemories and O-Medals, as well as the latest facts about OOO, as well as his brand spanking new trailer. We also cover something we probably shouldn't have, but don't tell anyone. We'll keep it a secret. For our summarize and discuss hour, we feature W 46 (Epic!), Goseiger 25 (Not epic...), and the MMPRv2 versions of "Wheel of Misfortune" and "Peace, Love, and Woe" (lolwut). This episode features guest appearances by Jedimon's computer and Antoine Dodson. Fo' real.