What It Is! With Miles & Kenny

#86: A Fist Full Of Pubes: Anniversary Episode - What it Is! With Miles & Kenny



Holy crap on a mountain, water heads! Miles and Kenny celebrate 3 years of podcasting prowess! Hear, hear! Hear a further retelling of the formative years of your henotic hosts! Including never before discussed details of the circumstances surrounding the girl who made Miles and Kenny mortal enemies. Hear a childhood romance unfold in pen pal letters from 1996. Learn about Miles’ enormous childhood endowment, Kenny dating 2 lesbians by the 5th grade, relics of the castle that once stood in the spot of Kenny’s childhood home, Kenny’s tumultuous Northbridge years involving a mutant middle-schooler, Miles’ life-changing celebrity dream, childhood celebrity crushes and actual real life crushes. Stick with this one, because you won’t want to miss the elephantine ending when Miles reveals how he received the nickname “Spike” just before reading aloud the HILARIOUS first story he ever wrote. This is an all-around-epic anniversary episode!