What It Is! With Miles & Kenny

#100: Best Of - What it Is! With Miles & Kenny



Miles and Kenny are celebrating another 50 episodes of What it Is! With Miles & Kenny by giving you a best of! This episode is a retrospective of some of the greatest moments from the last 49 episodes of What it Is! Remember great moments in What it Is! history such as: Miles pretending to have sex so his neighbors admire him, super friend Jake beating the hell out of their friends, Slut Mike and his weird bodily functions, pregnant keg stands, fapping to Buddy Holly, using period blood to attract sharks, a live reading of Miles's first story he wrote as a child, using Kenny's dad as the Internet, sex pigs, being killed over lunch, someone who fights people with half a nunchuck stuck in their butt, and so much more! Enjoy these great moments of your favorite podcast, What it Is! With Miles & Kenny