What It Is! With Miles & Kenny

#122: Scoping And Scooping Girls - What it Is! With Miles & Kenny



Miles & Kenny take a lot of side tracks this week that take them on a journey through time. Miles & Kenny talk about weird job interviews they've been on, like when Kenny stole food at his interview and when Miles was dressed as Hitler at his, and we find out that Kenny was present at the job interview Miles had at Cafe Espresso! Kenny talks about his death trap car that came equipped with bald tires, a bar of soap, shoddy transmission, and a knife. Miles & Kenny talk about inappropriateness at work, like when Kenny talked to his employee about anal sex and when Miles was hit on by his Barbie doll boss. Miles talks about why he likes Spider-Man and how is he able to relate to him, then Miles asks Kenny if Kenny can relate to Michael Myers from Halloween, the answer will surprise you! The men end the episode by watching hilarious old home videos, like the college video editing project, The Real World: Nazi Germany, where Miles dressed as Hitler, and their weird adventures down in Florida. All this and oddly en