K&L Gates Client Conversations

Client Conversations: Interview with Megaport General Counsel Anna Tichborne



In this episode, Craig Budner interviews Anna Tichborne, General Counsel of Megaport. Megaport was founded in Australia by industry expert and entrepreneur Bevan Slattery, who aimed to create a platform that gave customers  access to elastic interconnection services. Slattery wanted customers to have greater simplicity, control, and choice over how they connected to and between the services, applications, providers, and networks they needed for their businesses.  Their mission is to take everything we know about traditional networking – flip it and reverse it – and put the power back into the hands of the consumer.  Their product offers consumers network connectivity with global availability, right-sized bandwidth, and on-demand consumption. KEY TAKEAWAYS: Career/life paths aren’t always straight: Lean into discomfort sometimes to learn something new. There is strength in numbers: Building a strong network provides growth opportunities and potential career opportunities. Be humble: Relate to all levels o