Hot And Healthy With Nicole Van Hattem | Mindset | Nutrition | Success | Fitness | Health | Lifestyle

Ep. 115 - Who is the Victim in Bullying with Jeff & Maree



Jeff and Maree, the Co-Founders of Love Dynamics, Work Dynamics and Multiple Brain & Dance Integration, assist those in both personal and work-related relationships learn how to understand, accept and appreciate the value that each have to offer others (and themselves), and to share and grow as confident and independent, yet connected, individuals ... through employing their natural talents, skills, gifts and strengths. Their aim is to remove, as much as possible, the potential for relationship disruption through awareness, acceptance, learning, and growing. With empathy and engagement … through knowledge and wisdom … comes success. TUNE IN TO THE EXPERTS THAT WILL HAVE YOU LIVING A HOT AND HEALTHY BUSINESS LIFE Holistic Success Coach, TEDx Speaker and Bestselling Author, Nicole van Hattem brings you Hot and Healthy TV: interviews with experts in mindset, food, fitness and success. These conversations have the power to change the way women work and live. You’ll discover the people and practices that have