Hot And Healthy With Nicole Van Hattem | Mindset | Nutrition | Success | Fitness | Health | Lifestyle

Ep. 119 - Shout Your Message from the Rooftops Using PR with Morgan Spencer



Everyone in business wants to get their message out into the world and I know you do to. You want to be well known and as a result well paid and you want more credibility and visibility so your ideal clients and those amazing opportunities find you. But how do you do that? How do you step onto a bigger platform so you can shout your message from the rooftops and not burn yourself out by whispering to every single person you meet? It’s all about Public Relations. Today’s guest on the Hot & Healthy in business show is Morgan Spencer who is best known for her ability to amplify messages in strategic, creative and compelling ways, and craft a story that not only the media want to write about, but one that people want to read about. Now she may be young, but this little firecracker has certainly done the hard yards in her industry… as you are about to find out. THE TOP SHOW FOR WOMEN IN BUSINESS WHO WANT THE SECRETS TO MORE SUCCESS WITH LESS STRESS Holistic Success Coach, TEDx Speaker and Bestselling Author, N