You Have Value!

016: You Have Value! with Ashley McCauley



Ashley McCauley has been married to her husband Ben for three years, and they have a seventeen month old son that loves to climb. Ashley graduated from the Moody Bible Institute in Chicago, with a degree in communications and Biblical studies. Her background is in marketing and editing, in the book publishing and faith based/nonprofit world. Currently, Ashley is a stay at home mom and enjoys reading, writing, hiking and asking why—why people and things work the way they do. Check out Ashley’s blog at!  Some of my favorite quotes from this episode. Some deep stuff! I feel like I always need to be working or doing something to retain…value It’s all dependent on what God says, not what other people are saying or thinking, or what I’m thinking they’re thinking Understanding value better now, allows me to give myself grace Value…it’s a gift that’s given. People have value because God’s given it People who don’t believe they’re valuable are very fragile Someone who believes th