Convenience Matters

#301 Score Big With Energy Savings



Investing in new store equipment and lights can save thousands of dollars per year. How does your store measure up? Related Links: NACS Convenience Store Energy Use Survey NACS/Energy Star Tools NACS Energy Star Survey Hosted by: Carolyn Schnare, Director Strategic Initiatives, NACS and Paige Anderson, Director of Government Relations, NACS About our Guest: Patrick Loftus, Survey Research and Data Visualization Manager, NACS Patrick Loftus manages a robust portfolio of quantitative and qualitative research solutions designed to meet the unique needs of the convenience and fuel retail industry, including the NACS State of the Industry Report and NACS State of the Industry Compensation Report, as well as the NACS CSX benchmarking database and annual NACS State of the Industry Summit. Loftus worked at Gartner and its former subsidiary CEB for more than a decade in a series of increasingly responsible positions, most recently as senior principal of data science and benchmarking. In this role, he directed more tha