Health & Wellbeing Podcast

Reasons for Fatigue



Today I talk about reasons for fatigue. Energy problems can affect everyone and they come in all different variations - ranging from general sleepiness to chronic fatigue syndrome. A lot of people experience fatigue and don't know why, so I want to go into some different reasons for fatigue and share a bit of information about how I would Podcast breakdown: 2:30 Mitochondria - The powerhouse of your cells, where energy is made. The health and quantity of our mitochrondria determine our ability to make energy, and they can they are susceptible to oxidative damage, and can be depleted by certain nutritional deficiencies. 5:22 Inflammation, particularly chronic inflammation can affect energy and cause other imbalance. 7:40 Andropause, also known as male menopause 8:16 Some tips on reducing chronic inflammation 9:14 Stress is a major cause of fatigue, usually presenting in the form of adrenal exhaustion of HPA Axis dysfunction. 11:28 Thyroid problems are another major cause of fatigue, especially hypothyroid