Health & Wellbeing Podcast

Ayurvedic Medicine



Ayurvedic Medicine - Podcast #5 I interview Naturopath and Ayurvedic lifestyle consultant Lisa Costa-Bir about Ayurvedic medicine and how she incorporates her knowledge from this into her practice as well as her personal life. Podcast Breakdown: 1.18 A bit about Lisa Costa-Bir, her Indian background and her first experience with Ayurveda in treating her skin condition. 3.24 What is Ayurveda/Ayurvedic medicine? 4.00 The origins of the Ayurvedic word: Life Knowledge 4.43 How does Lisa blend her Ayurvedic knowledge into her Naturopathic practice? 5.22 About the Prakruti, or the individual doshas Vata, Pitta and Kapha 6.30 Want to work out your own prakruti? 8.35 Lisa discusses what dosha she is, a Vata-Kapha and talks a bit more about Vata 9.56 Pitta people often love spicy foods even though it’s not so great for them. 10.36 Kapha people usually love ice cream and other dairy, but its often too damp and mucous promoting for them. 11.04 A bit more about Kapha