Health & Wellbeing Podcast

Coeliac Disease - How to take control of your health and healing your gut with herbs. Episode 38



Coeliac disease is an autoimmune disease that causes strong reactions to wheat. It can affect your hormonal health, mental health, nutritional status and more. In this episode I chat with herbalist Sarah Corbett about her personal journey with coeliac disease, and the herbal allies she used to help herself heal. We chat a lot about coeliac disease in general and a little about women's health and the risks of gluten contamination that people with coeliac / celiac disease need to be aware of in their herbs and supplements. Podcast breakdown 3:13 Sarah’s experiences growing herbs in her garden 4:17 What’s the difference between gluten intolerance, wheat allergy and coeliac disease. Sarah’s journey of being diagnosed with coeliac disease, and the healing process 09:46 the difficulties of a coeliac diet 10:45 how rare is coeliac disease, the prevalence of women having coeliac disease and autoimmune conditions 14:30 the symptoms Sarah was experiencing to prompt her seeking a diagnosis 15:50 Getting diagnosed with