Early Accountability

EAP 91: Want Results? Stop Making These 3 Excuses



With the holidays approaching, many people feel like they can’t set or accomplish new goals because there is too much going on. These feelings usually manifest as excuses, such as these common ones: 1.“I would _____ if I only had more time.” – Everyone is given the same 24 hours every day, so chances are if you feel like you don’t have enough time to get everything done that you are overcommitted or you aren’t managing your time well. There is always something that needs to get done, so be intentional about prioritizing activities based on their urgency and importance. 2.“I have so much going on with _____.” – During the first few weeks and months of a new job or after the birth of a child, it is normal to feel overwhelmed and struggle somewhat to keep up with other aspects of life or commitments. There should come a time, however, when you have established a “new normal” that is pretty stable and you can find a rhythm for productivity, learning how to live this multi-dimensional life by creating more space