Early Accountability

EAP 96: Holiday Hacks - 'Don't Go Broke' Guide to Gift Buying



As the end of the year and the biggest spending season of the year approaches, Kimi provides Early Accountability podcast listeners with four tips for financial wellness. From managing spending to cultivating financial security to pay off debts to focusing on savings, there are many aspects to financial wellbeing that we often don’t want to think about, but could be very helpful for us to keep in mind: 1.Create a budget – Have a number in mind for how much you will spend on all of your gifts total, and stick to that number. 2.Make a list and check it twice – Write down every person that you want to buy a gift for and what you want to get for them, then review your list and ask yourself these questions: “Do they really need this?”, “Do these gifts have purpose?”, and “Am I just buying this because of the deal?” 3.Be intentional – Avoid “shiny object syndrome” by sticking to your list and budget, not being swayed by the flashy “deals” that are put in front of you. Have enough resolve and focus to pass by thi