Early Accountability

EAP 98: 3 Reasons Why You Didn't Reach Your Goals in 2019



This is one of the last episodes of the Early Accountability Podcast for 2019, so Kimi wanted to take this opportunity to talk about looking back on this past year, assessing your progress towards your goals, and applying the lessons learned to planning for 2020. From New Year’s Resolutions to short- or long-term goals over this past year, it is likely that you experienced some disappointments due to goals that were not met. Here are Kimi’s top three most likely reasons why you didn’t reach your goals: 1.You didn’t want to be uncomfortable – There is no denying that change is difficult, challenging, and uncomfortable. It is far easier to just keep things as they are and not go through the hassle of adjusting the way you do or approach things in order to make improvements. But in order to grow, you will have to think and act differently. In 2020, keep in mind that it takes 21 days to build a new habit, and encourage yourself that you can be uncomfortable for 21 days if it means that you get to reach the new