Early Accountability

EAP 100: Be Intentional in 2020 - 5 Non-Cliche Resolutions to Implement NOW!



As you prepare for the new year to begin and you feel the inevitable pressure to come up with some new year’s resolutions, consider taking your resolutions in a different direction. This episode of the Early Accountability Podcast is all about living intentionally and choosing the activities or experiences you pursue. In fact, Kimi encourages you to prioritize activities or experiences that fall into these categories: 1.Something that makes you feel productive – This is not busy work, but rather a choice to streamline the way you do things. This could mean outsourcing, delegating, eliminating, brainstorming, planning, time blocking, or anything else that will help you get more done in a simpler manner. 2.Something that makes you feel at peace – Oftentimes, when we have just done something that makes us feel productive, we have a sense of relief that can make us feel at peace. But being productive is not always a prerequisite for peace. You can find peace in moments of rest and reflection, doing something th