Early Accountability

EAP 105: Cheers to 2 Years - Pushing Past the Sophomore Slump (Anniversary Special Part 1)



Welcome to the 2-year anniversary episode of the Early Accountability Podcast! Whether you have been listening since the beginning or you just discovered the show, thank you so much for your support and for being here with us! We have had so many great guests over the past 2 years and we look forward to what this next year will bring for the podcast. At this natural time of reflection, Kimi wants to share with listeners the big 4 things that she has learned during the past year of the podcast. She did the same last year at this time, so be sure to check out Episode 53 if you want to hear her insights from Year 1. 1.Sometimes, you will get hurt – It could be acquaintances or even the people who you trust the most, but there will be times when people hurt you. This doesn’t mean you should walk around skeptical of everyone around you or expecting them to do hurtful things, but it is healthy to recognize that it could happen. In this case, do your best to accept the pain and push past it with grace and dignity.