Early Accountability

EAP 150: The Fear of Visibility is Keeping You Small



Our topic on this episode of the Early Accountability Podcast is visibility: why it is difficult to do and why it is so important. Whether you are thinking of starting a podcast, writing a book, starting a blog, teaching a course, or just talking about an important subject, there could be many reasons why you are hesitant to put yourself out there: •Fear – Fear often holds us back. This could be fear of public speaking, fear of ridicule, imposter syndrome, or other obstacles that tell us we are not good enough to put ourselves out there. •Self-consciousness – This ties into fear, but it goes a step beyond to make us feel like there is something wrong with us. During the pandemic, this can manifest in not feeling “presentable enough” to record videos because of the lack of professional help for hair, makeup, photography, etc. and because you might feel like you don’t have a good space in your house to record video content. •You think people already know – Just because you know something doesn’t mean everyon