Early Accountability

EAP 151: What's an Accountability Circle, Anyways?



On this episode of the Early Accountability Podcast, Kimi expounds on her recent push to be more visible and encourage more of a community atmosphere through Early Accountability. A part of this is an accountability circle that she has been leading, and this episode of the podcast is about what accountability is and what it can look like. An accountability partner or group is: •Formed by people working on a common goal or task – You are likely in a similar stage of life, either personal or professional, and the group provides a place for them to share, discuss, and bounce ideas off of each other. •A way for people to remain committed and connected – You tend to experience similar hiccups and hangups as well as triumphs and wins. •A safe place for reflection – This could be on the good, the bad, or the ugly. •A safe place to brainstorm – Since you are all in similar situations, you can collaborate and give each other new perspectives. •A place for encouragement and affirmation – Sometimes all you need to