Early Accountability

EAP 154: Pandemic-Proof Your New Year's Resolutions



Happy 2021, everyone! While this new year may feel different than all the rest due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, new year’s resolutions may be more important now than ever. On this episode of the Early Accountability Podcast, Kimi discusses four tips for coming up with pandemic-proof resolutions that can help keep you moving, give you meaning, and provide some structure to the daily grind. Establishing new resolutions or goals for the new year is a great opportunity for evaluating what things you need to stop, start, or continue, so consider these recommendations as you think through yours: 1.Think long-term – With so many unknowns in the world right now, it could be difficult to set many short-term goals or resolutions. Find one or more things that you want to accomplish in the next 6+ months, recognizing that restrictions may ease up a bit by then, or perhaps not. 2.Find short-term motivators – While you are setting your ultimate sights on a bigger goal, you will likely find it easier to break up that