Early Accountability

EAP 157: Own Your Methods of Success & Apologize to No One



This episode of the Early Accountability Podcast addresses a recent situation that happened to Kimi that turned out to be a good learning experience for listeners of the podcast. As you walk your own path, there will be times that you are confronted by people who don’t catch your vision and who take it upon themselves to give unsolicited advice that might feel abrupt and unnecessary. But rather than letting that push you off course or immediately respond with the wrong tone, Kimi recommends stepping back and considering a few things: 1.Everyone isn’t going to have your best interests at heart 2.People will give you unsolicited advice from time to time 3.The best immediate response is to pause and collect your thoughts – Once you have gotten grounded in who you are and the path you are walking, you can explain to them your motivations and why what they said was not helpful. 4.Remember that you don’t know their journey either – Empathy is often lacking in situations where feelings are hurt, so be careful no