Early Accountability

EAP 161: Moving Past Privilege



This episode of the Early Accountability Podcast focuses on privilege, the different ways that it manifests, and Kimi’s suggestions for moving past it to practice more empathy. With February being Black History Month and all of the conversations about privilege that have taken place over the past year or so, this seemed like a good time to talk about privilege when it comes to race, culture, preferences, and beliefs. While recording this episode, Kimi is in Colombia. She likes to prioritize immersing herself in other cultures, particularly to help her become fluent in Spanish, and her current trip is making her very aware of the privilege that she has in being a foreigner and particularly an American. It is human nature to feel privilege when you are faced with people or circumstances that are different than you are used to, but it doesn’t have to be your default setting. 1.Have an honest dialogue with yourself – Consider any conscious and unconscious biases you may have and try to see things from the other