Early Accountability

EAP 163: International Women's Day 2021 #ChooseToChallenge



On this International Women’s Day (Monday, March 8, 2021), Kimi reflects on the meaning and purpose of the day as well as ways listeners can participate in promoting change. The theme of this year’s celebration is “choose to challenge” which aligns well with the Early Accountability mindset of promoting inclusivity, calling out inequalities, and celebrating the achievements of those around you – in particular, women. Here are 5 ways that you can be involved in promoting change, today and every day: 1.Dialogue with others – Have open lines of communication with your family, friends, coworkers, children, and members of groups you are involved with about ways that women are being marginalized. 2.Share information – Encourage yourself and others to learn more about inequality. 3.Highlight the accomplishments of others – Be intentional about lifting up people from marginalized groups and underrepresented fields – Black women in STEM, for instance. 4.Support businesses – Promote positive behavior by patronizing