Miami Underground Movement - M.u.m.

Miami Sessions with Rod B. proudly presents Anthony Attalla M.U.M - Episode 205



Rod B. & Mareis brings you Miami Sessions @ Miami Underground MovementAs we enter 2013, Anthony Attalla has firmly established himself as a rising star in the electronic music community.  His personal growth in the studio as a producer and on stage as a performer has the industries biggest taste makers proclaiming that Anthony is set to break out in the coming year.  Never resting on his laurels, Anthony has also demonstrated his passion for the business side of the industry by creating a platform to showcase his favorite talent through Incorrect Music, his music production-company, which has proven to be a most successful endeavor.  As an artist, Anthony has charted over 40 Top 100 tracks on, the widely popular outlet for purchasing EDM (Electronic Dance Music).  With labels such as Great Stuff, Trapez, MBF, Definitive, Tronic, Break New Soil, MBF, and Stereo Recordings seeking his productions, Attalla is a wanted man.  In addition, the demand for his live performance has grown to an all-tim