The Tv Museum

Exhibit 40: THE ODD COUPLE



This week your two incongruous and divergent hosts take on a classic from the late great Neil Simon and titan of 70s sitcoms Garry Marshall. Will we be charmed by comedic mismatch of Tony Randall and Jack Klugman? Or will we find the public's continued affection for this show just...odd? Listen in to discover who was Klugman's unexpected real life roommate, learn how to play Password, and enjoy an episode of Trivia Only Hannah Could Care About. For more Odd Couple, check out Dana Steven's tribute to Tony Randall Felix and Oscar sing (?) "You're So Vain" If you enjoy this and other exhibits, be a patron at Couch Potato memberships start at just $1/month, and supporters get access to exclusive content and swag. Join the ranks of the Tater Army today!  The TV Museum Podcast is dedicated to exploring classic TV, from the westerns of the 50s, to the family sitcoms of the 80s. We trace the history of TV aliens, cops, and single girls and travel through time and space. If it’s been beamed