Commerce Now

Emerging Trends in Services



Summary: Devon Watson and Thomas Karakalos discuss emerging trends in retail and banking services. Resources: Blog: Services for a Connected World Diebold Nixdorf AllConnectSM Services Transforms Bankdata IT Strategy Diebold Nixdorf Website: Podcast site: Transcription: Amy Lombardo:                           00:00                     This is Commerce Now. Devon Watson:                 00:14                     My name's Devon Watson, chief marketing officer at Diebold Nixdorf. I'm joined this week by Thomas Karakalos, who's our head of the services business in Asia Pacific. So Thomas, why don't you give us a quick background. Who you are, what you do out here. Fantastic to have you on the show. Tom Karakalos:                 00:30                     Thank you, good to be here. So I've been with Diebold Nixdorf for the last three years. So prior to the integration with Diebold, heading the managed services business for Asia Pacific. Devon Watson: