Commerce Now

Moving C-Stores from A Fuel-Plus to a Plus-Fuel Model



Summary: In this special episode of COMMERCE NOW, we team up with's Karen Webster and Diebold Nixdorf's Uli Seeman and discuss convenience stores (C-stores) and how consumers who only ever pause for gas, and never even set foot inside the store, are a major lost opportunity for additional sales.  Content: Feature Article: Moving C-Stores from a Fuel-Plus to a Plus Fuel Model Blog: Three Ways to Improve Loyalty in Fuel and Convenience   Transcription:   Speaker 1:                           Some convenient stores are great when it comes to innovative experiences. But according to Diebold Nixdorf's head of service station and C-stores, the majority of them aren't. In this payment's original podcast, he tells Karen Webster that while the independent operators that dominate the industry want to innovate into the digital age, they are held back by the lack of off-the-shelf products that make that transition possible. Karen Webster:                [00:00:30] Uli, thanks so much for making the